Thursday, 28 August 2008

FortiFlora Probiotics for Dogs and Cats by Purina

By Rebecca Foxton

Probiotic: (pro-bi-o-tik) " Living microorganisms that, given in proper portions, can prove beneficial to ones health.

Probiotics have been found to provide beneficial bacteria essential for good nutrition and health. The growth of "bad bacteria" is minimized by the presence of certain pH-lowering microorganisms in the gut.

Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the two most frequently used strains for humans, which add to healthy gut flora, which in turn maintain the immune system to allow the body to fight disease and balance bacteria present in the digestive system.

If you fully understand these advantages then you are likely to choose to begin taking probiotics so that you can encourage your own good health. With that said, you should consider giving probiotics to your cat or dog. After all, their health is important and should be managed.

It is apparent that we should not administer a product meant for human beings to an animal, however, factors such as pet food heavyweight Purina and probiotics have led to the manufacture of a few excellent products. The products include FortiFlora Feline and FortiFlora Canine in this regard.

Not sure what FortiFlora is? FortiFlora is a mixture of the Enterococcus Probiotic with protein, vitamins, and minerals. A box of 30 packets of 1 gram contains 1x108 CFU/g of Enterococuss Faecium SF68.

What can FortiFlora do for my pet? By choosing to add FortiFlora to your pet's food you will boost his immune system.

For help with intestinal problems such as diarrhea, acute enteritis and poor fecal quality, use probiotics. They can also balance your digestive system after use of antibiotics.

How do I use probiotics for my pet? Simply stir the probiotic powder into your pet's food, so that your cat or dog will gain the extra daily nutrients. The taste of the food will remain the same, and your pet will eat normally, and you will know that you have done a good thing to help ensure his good health.

Forti Flora is inexpensive, costing less than a dollar a day. You pay more than that on your morning cup of coffee, however your coffee wont provide you the assurance that your pet is greatly benefiting from your choices. Give your canine or feline family member the best life that you can.

A little prevention is so much cheaper than paying a large vet bill. Dont wait for him to get sick before you try it. Start your pet on FortiFlora today for all the benefits that your dog or cat will receive.

About the Author:
Animal devotee Rebecca Foxton can help you give your pet better health with Canine FortiFlora. For an excellent source of practical tips for people with dogs and cats visit Dog Buffs.

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