Thursday, 28 August 2008

Buy Your Next Car With A Preapproved Auto Loan

By Ancellin Marshall

When looking to purchase a car, preapproved auto loans are becoming the way to go for many new and used car buyers. The reasons may vary but usually include a hassle free buying experience and obtaining the best possible price for the vehicle. But most importantly getting the best possible interest rate available. The focus of this article is on some methods and benefits of shopping for your new or used car with a auto financing that has been approved in advance.

1. By being aware of how much you can borrow and the duration of the loan you are clearly placing yourself in the driving seat. This will do away with any cost and uncertainty which may arise when you try to arrange your finance through the dealership from where you are buying the car.

2. With a pre-approved auto loan you can walk into a dealership as a 'cash buyer' and not worry about trying to get the lowest interest rate from dealer financing. Since you are effectively buying 'cash' you also will not have to sacrifice or choose between any dealer rebates or specials being offered. The reality is dealerships do not offer you both the special offers, rebates as well as the great interest rates at the same time.

3. One great benefit is preapproved auto loans let you know the exact amount you are able to borrow and the monthly payments when purchasing a car, even before you have walked through the doors of the dealership.

4. Using this method it means that you can avoid the trouble of having to come up with a large down payment in order to get the car of your dreams.

5. Once you obtain a preapproved auto loan you can deal with one thing at the time in an orderly fashion, in the order you choose. Step One: getting the auto loan and Step Two: going to the dealer and picking your car. Keep in mind that auto salesmen have been trained specifically to close the deal and this is done by getting you so excited about the car that all good judgment and reason is abandoned during the process of negotiating for the car. But by having your pre approved auto loan in hand this will prevent you from going through this.

It is in your best interest to shop around and do a little research of your own when looking for a new car and auto loan. Find and compare of some quotes for preapproved auto loans online, it is easy, fast and secure. This simple task will save you money and time and you can make an application on line in minutes. Also, you can inquire at your local bank, credit union or other financial institution. In the end the benefits of obtaining a pre-approved auto loan are many but the biggest may be peace of mind.

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